Our Technical Services Group has extensive experience with all aspects of transit conductor rail applications, including product engineering and design, proof of concept testing, system design, and system installation. We have the services you need to ensure a successful project, every time.

The Technical Services Group uses Solid Works to create components and can render them in our 3-D printer.
We test the electrical and mechanical properties of prototype and final components in our extensive R&D and testing facilities. Customized tests are our specialty.
We offer a staff of field engineers and technicians to perform on-site work.
Here are just some of the many services we offer:
Engineering Capabilities
- Power rail design consulting
- Custom power rail system design
- 3-D component printing/prototyping
- Independent system/component testing
- System design and layout
- Project management - at your location
- On-site installation support and training

- System commissioning
- System inspection and optimization
- Other engineering services as required
Testing Services
- Our fully staffed testing facility offers:
- Collector shoe wear testing
- Wind Tunnel analysis
- Heat rise testing to 10,000 amps

- Thermal imaging
- High moisture isolation
- Electrical panel evaluation
- Fault force / short circuit evaluation
- Mechanical properties of materials testing
- Dielectric electrical resistance and impedance testing
If your service is not listed here, contact us with your requirements. We have the means to perform the services you need.
(+1) 800-521-4888 or (+1) 402-339-9300