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Reference Report
Carro de transferencia para seleccionar, limpiar y envasar manzanas
Schlanders (Tirol del Sur)
Oficina del representante
Conductix-Wampfler AG (D)
Obstgenossenschaft Geos
Requisitos técnicos
Suministro de energía eléctrica para un carro de transferencia
IPT® (transmisión inductiva de energía)
Captor en forma de F de 2,2 kW
Longitud (sistema)
2 carriles de 50 m cada uno
Cantidad de (carga)
Por carril: 2
Distancia de trayecto (carga)
50 m
Condiciones medioambientales
Interior, procesamiento de frutas, mucha humedad a causa del proceso de limpieza de las manzanas
Dirección del sistema
Información adicional
Generally the basic function of Floor systems is the same as that of other Inductive Power Transfer systems. But there are some additional or specific aspects to consider.
The cable loop must be installed in a way that complete coverage of the supply of vehicles along the entire travelling path is given. This way installed the cable routing also defines the travelling path of vehicles. With inductive track guidance it is possible to detect the magnetic field around the cabling and to supply a guidance signal to the vehicle control and to control so the movement of the vehicle. Unwanted and expensive guidance slots become obsolete this way. Various travelling paths can be defined. Switches, crossings, etc. are no problem. The pickup just needs to be placed so that it is exposed to the magnetic field in a sufficient way.