VersaReel Blue
Bluetooth Motorized Cable Reel

VersaReel® Blue is an innovative, remote-controlled, motorized cable reel that provides a new way to provide drop-power. Payout and retract the cable without ever having to leave the ground!

“Spring-driven” cable reels only offer two options: Leave an unsightly cable hanging at arm’s length, or use a ladder/lift to access the cable end. Working at heights is unsafe and time-consuming. VersaReel® Blue addresses both of those problems:

  • Controls the reel from the ground using Bluetooth® technology on your smartphone
  • Uses our app for iPhone or Android; has built-in security features to prevent unauthorized use
  • Operates up to 10 different reels - one at a time - from up to 100 feet away.
  • Installs with a quick-mount base. The heavy reel slides safely onto the base making installation safe and easy
  • Pays out and retracts up to 50 feet of cable with an up to 2 lb accessory
  • Operates with a worry-free, DC Motor with integrated worm drive
  • Allows manual cable pull-out, and will slip if the cable is caught using a slip-differential clutch
  • Receives signals up to 100 feet away with the integrated Bluetooth circuit board and antenna
  • Locks out a reel if another user is already connected using on-board safety protocols
  • Available with flying leads, single outlets, tri-tap, or duplex receptacle box

Availability of different models may vary regionally